Forum Activity for @michael

12/04/24 05:55:02PM
7,793 posts

ProJam5 video page

Design and Skin Customization

Should work. Did you run the INTEGRITY CHECK and the RESET CACHES tool. That should move the videos to a new url, something like 'uploaded_video'.

Also try making the most basic query to see if that works, then modify it.
{jrCore_list module="jrCombinedVideo"} 
12/04/24 05:52:15PM
7,793 posts

list orders

Design and Skin Customization

To do that, the first step is figuring out which module is doing the ratings, then get a jrCore_list of those item. The data will come back with the item_id of the thing its rated for then do a search for those item ids. Loop over the ratings and insert the corresponding item.

Its almost easier to do it in a module

Do a search in the module to get the ids, do another search using those ids then send the whole thing to a template to loop over.
11/28/24 08:39:56PM
7,793 posts

jamroom not sending Verification Emails

Using Jamroom

Could be anything. Most likely causes are:
* check that your user settings are set to "email verification" in the USER module under signup

If that is set to "email validation" then use the TEST EMAIL system to see if your site is sending.

Also check what email system is active and that the delivery settings are correct.
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11/28/24 01:55:25PM
7,793 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

You're welcome.

If you've got any CSS questions you can ask them here.
11/27/24 01:19:34PM
7,793 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

I've added that same class to the title of the audio files that show up on the front page. It needed the class to have those class rules apply.

Take a look now.
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11/26/24 04:08:26PM
7,793 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

Ok you should be good now. There are 2 locations for H1 tags on the detail page.

I've given them 2 classes, the first class is .wol-audio-detail-h1 and if you use that it will effect BOTH locations. If you just want to effect the top location use .wol-audio-detail-top and if you want to just target the bottom location use .wol-audio-detail-bottom

you can call those classes whatever you like, they're very flexible. you could call it .orange then make the color in CSS orange and whatever you added .orange to would use those rules.

See how you go with that.
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11/24/24 08:18:24PM
7,793 posts


Using Jamroom

depends on the skin for what buttons exist, I would expect most of them to have them but its possible not all do. I thought elastic had them. just for clarity we're talking about jrElastic2 right?

If you turn on the editor for the timeline you can use the embed module to put images in.

I thought there was an "attach images" button too but im not seeing it.
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11/24/24 08:01:23PM
7,793 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

send me some admin level logins for the site to support at jamroom dot net ATTN: michael. I'll login and get it done for you.

Its not so hard. Once you see what I've done you can do the next one.
11/18/24 03:13:35AM
7,793 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

You can paste it into the CUSTOM EDITOR tab on the STYLE section of the skin.

What you need there though is an adjustment to the H1 tag to be able to target it better. That means a template adjustment.
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11/13/24 12:38:12PM
7,793 posts

Font size audio

Using Jamroom

It certainly is, but to do it I'd need to see the page that its on.

Browsers have tools built into them to allow you to fiddle with how things look. Generally you hit F12 and a panel opens then you use the arrow pointer from there to click on the thing you want to fiddle with then mess around with the CSS panel to get it how you want.

Once you know how you want it you copy those values into a .css file thats part of your site and upload it to make it permanent.
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